
Showing posts from July, 2022

What Is Google Analytics

Google Analytics Google Analytics is  a platform that collects data from your websites and apps to create reports that provide insights into your business . How Is Google Analytics Helps Marketing? Google Analytics is helpful for marketing professionals because it offers insight into your website ·          How many people are visiting your page. ·          What they’re doing in the web pages. ·          And how long they stick around in the page. ·          Which device is mostly used to browse. ·          From which place they are accessing the page. ·          If you’re a digital marketing professional who is hired to work on behalf of another company, Google Analytics also makes it easy to show your clients exactly what they’re paying you for.   Traffic  Sources Direct Traffic:  A user directly types in your website URL. Any traffic that Google doesn’t have the source information on is also considered direct. Organic Traffic:  A user comes to your site dire

Google Search Console

What is Google Search Console?      Google search console was first launched on 20th May, 2015, to replace Google Webmaster. It  is the best powerful tool for anyone who owns a website. If we are doing SEO in a controlled form, we must verify our website ownership in GSN.  And    The Google Search Con sole  is absolutely free service provided by google . Literally GSN is used to discuss the problems of our website to google and vice versa.  Search console will help you to monitor your web traffic, make data-driven business decisions, we can set country viewing our website, optimize your website for a better ranking in the SERPs .  It shows the performance of our website.   It helps to improve the visibility of our site.   Google search console is previously called as a Google webmaster tool.  It is used to find and fix technical errors, submit site maps and more. How Google Search Console can help you ? You can confirm that your website is crawled by Google Can Fix problems in indexin

On-page Search Engine Optimization

  On Page SEO        Search engine optimization can be done On-page and off-page . On page SEO, It is a practice of optimizing a webpage to enhance search engine ranking of a website. The procedures that done on the website for higher ranking. In the process of on paging the google crawlers initially crawl the url of the website from the domain name. From the domain name itself google can understand the content approximately. Here a webpage can be divided into head section and the body section.  Title Optimization The title is the identity portion of a page. The title should be relevant to the page. The tittle must be attractive and impressive too. It should contain   at least 3 words. The maximum pixel width is 512mb or 55 to 65 characters. Full capital letter and all small letters of allowed.  Full capital letters will consume more pixel size.   Should not make any grammatical errors or any spelling mistakes while writing the title. If any mistakes are made Google can’t index. I

History and Evolution of SEO

Search Engine Optimization History of SEO                                     SEO search engine optimization. It is the process of improving the quality and increasing the traffic to a website. SEO to help to improve visibility in organic search to boost the business.  Before discussing search engine optimization, we need to know a few things about search engines, There are so many search engines like Google, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, etc. Nowadays Google is the most popular search engine, But it was not so popular in the early days.                                                               G oogle was developed in 1998 by two students named Larry Page and Surely Brin as part of their University project. Initially, It is used as a sub-domain under a website. In the early stage, the search result will be sent to the user's email id within 24 hours. Its database had limitations, it contained only a few amounts of data. Further, They developed it into a search engine with the