History and Evolution of SEO

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

History of SEO

                                    SEO search engine optimization. It is the process of improving the quality and increasing the traffic to a website. SEO to help to improve visibility in organic search to boost the business. Before discussing search engine optimization, we need to know a few things about search engines, There are so many search engines like Google, Microsoft Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, etc. Nowadays Google is the most popular search engine, But it was not so popular in the early days.                           
                                   Google was developed in 1998 by two students named Larry Page and Surely Brin as part of their University project. Initially, It is used as a sub-domain under a website. In the early stage, the search result will be sent to the user's email id within 24 hours. Its database had limitations, it contained only a few amounts of data. Further, They developed it into a search engine with the help of their colleagues. Google has become popular at the beginning of 2001. On September 11, 2001, terrorist organization Al-Qaeda attacked The World Trade Center in America. Following the incident, people searched about the attack on Google, but Google couldn't provide any information about it. The Google engineers recognized their defects, and limitations. And the defect is that all the web pages are not crawlable.

Crawling: It is a software program in Google that systematically reads a new webpage and gather information on it by taking a snapshot of the web pages. Crawlers are also called Boats, Spiders, Robots, etc. The crawler program in Google is spider boats.

Caching: It is the second process of optimizing, caching is the process of storing copies of a web page in a cache, or a temporary storage location so that they can access it quickly.

Indexing: It is the final process in SEO for retrieving the best search results.

                                 The webmaster is the custodian of the website who can make modifications to the website. Google decided to publish guideline rules for webmasters and it is called the "Starter guide". Some of the webmasters disagree with this they believe that it will affect the confidentiality of google. But it is the one and only solution for their problem they published started guide of 33 pages. Some of the webmasters agreed with the starter guide and rebuilt their website according to the guidelines given in the starter guide, as a result, they get more business, then everybody turned to using the starter guide.

Evolution of SEO

                                  In the early stage, google is niche-specific. I.e., content-specific, and the webpage is ranked on the basis of one or two keywords. When the occurrence of the keyword increases the ranking also increases. The SEO niche is categorized into two White hat SEO practices and Black hat SEO practices. White SEO practice is an ethical way of ranking a website without any manipulated manner. White hat SEO result is organic it is without any payments. The ranking is only done by Approved methods by Google. For example, improving the device compatibility User-friendly pages, and Faster loading time. Black hat SEO practice is a non-ethical way of ranking websites by keyword stuffing. After realizing the practice of keyword stuffing. After realizing this Practice of keyword stuffing Google decided to change the ranking algorithm to link-specific. The website that receives the maximum number of links will rank more. Each hyperlink is considered as a recommendation vote.

                                   Here again, a problem arises that the webmaster started to sell their link to websites with a low ranking, To overcome this drawback. Google put forward another method quality link specification approach. Here ranking on the basis of the quality of the website, i.e., on the basis of trust value. It is considered out of 10 points and the points are given by Google on the basis of links and 200 other factors. Then the websites with high ranks started to sell the links. Therefore, to overcome the drawback. Google introduced an update in the algorithm that is passing the juice. Hereafter selling links to another website, will decrease the ranking of the highly ranked websites. Passing equity from the seller's website to the receiver's website is called as link value. Inbound link & outbound, a link is given to another website is called an outbound link. The link given by another website to us is called the inbound link

                                  Google hesitated to change the algorithm, Most of the algorithm changes are done from 2004 to 2008. After google became popular Google introduced Google AdWords.                                     

Google Adwords and Google Adsense

Google AdWords & Google AdSense 

                                     It is an advertising program by Google. Google AdWords get good acceptance among users because it is customizable according to our needs. We can sell or buy things and can promote our business threw Google ads. Later google AdWords changed its name to Google ads. In Google ads we can customize the time of showing the ad, we can pause the ad, add keywords and text, etc. Google AdWords is also called pay per click PPC.
                                       In 2003 Google AdSense is introduced. It is a revenue program run by Google. Started parallel to the Google ads and it is affiliated with Google. Here we can buy Google ads and can advertise on our website and will get remuneration for that on the basis of CPC, Cost per click. We need to apply for google ads. After verification and approval, we can login to google ads and copy the Java script and apply where ever we need to display the ad on your website.
                                        In 2009 google increased user interaction and implemented the google suggest mechanism. After 2009 the page ranking is done on the basis of how the user interacts with the website and the amount of time spent on the website etc. Commenting registering subscribing, etc. Are the factors that googles consider for the Trust value.

Bounce Rate & Pogo Sticking

                                                 Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. The bounce rate increases the trust value decrease. Pogo sticking is an SEO term used to describe a situation where a user navigates back quickly from a website. And entered in another search result. In this situation, google degrade the 1st ranked webpage to the second position and the second one to the 1st position.
                                        By 2010, social media platforms like Facebook and Orkut gain more acceptance among the user. By the time the ranking was based on influential power.



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