What Is Google Analytics

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a platform that collects data from your websites and apps to create reports that provide insights into your business.

How Is Google Analytics Helps Marketing?

Google Analytics is helpful for marketing professionals because it offers insight into your website

·         How many people are visiting your page.

·         What they’re doing in the web pages.

·         And how long they stick around in the page.

·         Which device is mostly used to browse.

·         From which place they are accessing the page.

·         If you’re a digital marketing professional who is hired to work on behalf of another company, Google Analytics also makes it easy to show your clients exactly what they’re paying you for.


Traffic  Sources

Traffic Sources
Direct Traffic: A user directly types in your website URL. Any traffic that Google doesn’t have the source information on is also considered direct.

Organic Traffic: A user comes to your site directly from a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. If you pay to advertise on search engines, those visitors will count as Paid Search instead.

Social Media Traffic: A user clicks on a link to your site from any major social channel, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Instagram.

Referral Traffic: A user clicks a link to your site from a page on another website.

Ad Traffic: A user clicks on a paid advertisement, such as a banner ad, that leads back to your site.

How To Install Google Analytics On your Website

Google Analytics

  • Add Account Properties      Account Name: Neena
  • Tick all options given Click NEXT

  • Property Name: “ Neena blogspot blog”
  • Reporting Timezone: “India”
  • Currency: “Indian Rupee (INR)” NEXT
  • You can see About Business, Select REFERANCE for Industry Category.  (because it is a blog)
  • Select business size SMALL
  • About your business

  • You can see a check list TICK all options other than others and app install CREATE
  • Google analytics term of Service Agreement SET COUNTRY “INDIA”
  • TICK both the terms and conditions. Click on I ACCEPT, then Click on SAVE.
  • Take a tour of your property close the pop up window.
  • Select WEB

  • Set upstream window will arise Now you have to COPY your blog’s url eg: “https://neenaseoanalyst.blogspot.com/”
  • PASTE on website URL.
  • Enter STREAM NAME eg: Neena blogspot blog
  • Click on CREATE STREAM
  • In tagging instructions you can see GLOBAL SITE TAG (gtag. j's) it shows a page with code, click on COPY
  • Go to BLOGGER tab, select THEME option
  • Click on DROPLIST ARROW shown near customize button, Select EDIT HTML from the list.
  • It leads to a page with code that we can edit. We can PASTE the Tracking code in the head section.
  • Click SAVE “show update successfully”
  • Go to analytics tab, CLOSE web stream details
  • Click on REPORT
  • Click on REAL TIME.


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