On-page Search Engine Optimization


On Page SEO 

     Search engine optimization can be done On-page and off-page. On page SEO, It is a practice of optimizing a webpage to enhance search engine ranking of a website. The procedures that done on the website for higher ranking. In the process of on paging the google crawlers initially crawl the url of the website from the domain name. From the domain name itself google can understand the content approximately. Here a webpage can be divided into head section and the body section.

 Title Optimization

  • The title is the identity portion of a page.
  • The title should be relevant to the page.
  • The tittle must be attractive and impressive too.
  • It should contain  at least 3 words.
  • The maximum pixel width is 512mb or 55 to 65 characters.
  • Full capital letter and all small letters of allowed. Full capital letters will consume more pixel size. 
  • Should not make any grammatical errors or any spelling mistakes while writing the title. If any mistakes are made Google can’t index. It affects the quality of the page.
  • Google does not consider number of characters  it considers only pixel width that can be measured with a tool 


     The snippet is a brief data about the website shown on a set of search results Url, title, meta description is the elements shown in the snippet. Snippet shown in mobile had an element called a favicon. It can be an emblem or any image belongs to the website. . Snippets are two types Basic snippets and advanced snippet. An advanced snippet contains elements like site link, thumbnails, star rating, events etc. These elements enhance the CRT

Click Through Rate

     It is the number of clicks that a site gets divided by the number of times your site is shown ie, clicks divided by impression. If your site is shown in a search result, you get an impression.

Cannibalism in SEO

     If more than 1 page is targeting a key word. Among the competition of these pages neither page performs better and it will rank on the top. This process is called cannibalism

Meta Description


     Meta description is one of the meta tags used in web page. The short data on your page that's shown in  the search result. Meta description does not affect SEO that is officially stated by Google in 2009.

  •  Meta description must me unique.
  •  It can't be too long or too short.
  • It is a short summary of the website
  • We can write keyword keywords in meta description we can modify if we need.

Limitations of Meta description

  • The Meta description character limit for a page is 150 to 160
  • The Metadiscription character limit for a blog  or an article is 155. Should compact to 154 because, in a blog post google show posted date in front of the snippet.
  • The pixel width limitation of meta description is 1024.

     If the meta description is not given or not relevant google show any other part as the meta description. Google prefers the first sentences. The body of an HTML page contains headings, paragraphs, image, hyperlinks, etc. <h1> Tags are the most important part of the body part <h1> is used to define most important html headings. The maximum word capacity of an H1 tag is 8 words. We can use more <h2> tags in vast topics.

Anchor text Optimization

anchor text

     It is a clickable text in a webpage. The process of giving hyperlink inside the page. The anchor text is one of the factors that Google uses to decide the relevance. A H1 tag is the booster fuel to crawl the content of a page. Internal Anchor text, It helps to navigate from our 1 page to another page. It improves the trust value. Google consider clicking the hyperlink as an interaction with the page. This interaction decreases the bounce rate.

Image Optimization

  • Choose the appropriate image for the content of the page.
  • Use alt tag, it will help to seek the attention of the user
  • Optimize the image title
  • Pick the right file format PNG, JPG
  • Reduce the file size for easy loading.
Here am including my previous blog History and evolution of SEO as a reference to know more about search engine optimization.









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