Google Search Console

Google Search Console

What is Google Search Console?

    Google search console was first launched on 20th May, 2015, to replace Google Webmaster. It is the best powerful tool for anyone who owns a website. If we are doing SEO in a controlled form, we must verify our website ownership in GSN. And  The Google Search Console is absolutely free service provided by google. Literally GSN is used to discuss the problems of our website to google and vice versa. Search console will help you to monitor your web traffic, make data-driven business decisions, we can set country viewing our website, optimize your website for a better ranking in the SERPsIt shows the performance of our website. It helps to improve the visibility of our site. Google search console is previously called as a Google webmaster tool. It is used to find and fix technical errors, submit site maps and more.

How Google Search Console can help you?

cgs benifits

  • You can confirm that your website is crawled by Google
  • Can Fix problems in indexing
  • Can send indexing requests for new and recently updated content
  • Helps for analyzing your Google search traffic
  • Search console shows how frequently does your site show up in the Google search results
  • Under which search queries does your site show?
  • How often do online searchers click through those results?
  • Notifies you when Google spots any indexing, spam, and any other black hat concern on your website

Broken Links

    A broken link is a hyperlink on a website which is linked to an empty or non-existent external webpages. When a broken link is clicked, an error message is displayed. A broken link is also known as a broken hyperlink or a dead link. Broken links may also directly harm SEO rankings. A broken link affects the reputation of your website. It may increase your bounce rate.


How to Add Sitemap

      A sitemap is an XML document. A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find, crawl and index all of your website’s content. As a part of Search Engine Optimization site map includes all the urls of the website. It contains the last modified date, time, Change frequency, Sitemap show the crawling frequency. It also shows the page with higher priority according to the deepness in the url. Site maps also tell search engines which pages on your site are most important. Google crawls an XML document very fast. It can crawl more than 1000 pages within seconds. The maximum URL capacity of an XML map is 50,000 and the file size should be 10mb. Google can crawl the site map even if it is a zip file.

Methods of Search Console Verification.

Here are the five different ways to verify your website with Google Search Console

Different Verification Methods

HTML File Verification Method

             HTML verification method is the most recommended method. There will be no issues. After logging in to the c-panel of the website. Upload an authentication,  HTML document to  the root directory of our website. Then the verify button is clicked. The verification is over.

Meta Tag Verification Method

              Google search console will provide an HTML meta tag copy. Go to the setting of your website then select them and paste the meta tag in the head section of HTML before the body section of HTMLThen click Verify Buttion, Include a <meta> tag to the <HEAD> area of a certain page’s HTML composition.

Google Analytics tracking data

This is the third method to verify a website in Google Search Console. If you are already using Google Analytics. If the page does not have at raking code, you must add one. Simply select the Google Analytics option in the Alternate Methods tab in Search Console and hit Verify. That’s it for this method.

Tag Manager Tool

    We have to add various types of tags, meta tags, meta pixel (Facebook) in website as a part of doing SEO and digital marketing. These java scripts are used for conversion. We have to add these tags for several times as a part of SEO. GSN helps to avoid difficulties logging in for several times. And contacting the webmasters.

 DNS (Domain name server)

    Log on your domain server (example: GoDaddy) and go to the account’s DNS edition section. Then copy paste the DNS data record. This is the last method of verification. 

How to Verify a Blogger blog?



1. Sign in to  GoogleSearch Console with the same Google account email you use to sign in to Blogger. 
2. Click the current Search PropertyIf your Blogger blog is already verified and on the list, just click the blog name to see the data. You shouldn't   need to do anything else. If your blog is not listed there, go on to step 3. 
3. Click + Add Property


4. Select URL Prefixenter your blog URLand click Continue
5. Verification should be immediate, and you should see an Auto   verification confirmation.Search Console starts collecting data as soon as your blog is verified.

    Note that "older Blogger blogs" are not automatically verified, but can be verified using the HTML tag method 


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